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11/15/2021 CLUB MTG



We have approx. $135 in cash

assets unchanged, to include two KG-1000G transceivers, two duplexers, two antennas, and quite a few sections of tower. The majority of this purchased equipment serves the Ch22 repeater, along with a power supply on loan from James (WTKK664), and misc coax and a mast on loan from Brian (WRKE376).

We are also grateful to Mark for loaning us his repeater, hardline, and much more to serve Ch18 from Sherrill IA.

Largest among our assets are the many members who serve so diligently to service our equipment, and those who involve themselves in our regular and special events. These folks make our GMRS community work!



Channel 22 is currently running well again after swapping one of our radios with an identical unit borrowed from Brian (WRKE376). Dan (WRKE224) has tested the faulty unit and discussed it with Buy Two-way Radios to determine that we will need a warranty call. Kelly (WRJN255) will package and return the unit. A replacement unit will be sent to us, but we've been warned that shortages and shipping issues may delay some (FJB).

Channel 18 has been up and running nicely, but also required some initial repairs. These are underway and it is anticipated to be in full use very soon. (special thanks to Dan (WRKE224), Mark (WRLC777), and Pat (WRKi496) for their many efforts recently at the silo!)

We are quite impressed with the footprint indicated by initial testing, and we hope to do further testing soon. our expectations are high that Ch18 will serve very well for local travel in the area. Valleys may of course have limited reception, but many of our main highways seem quite positive in the minimal testing so far. Pat (WRKi496) has a great signal from Farley, and Kelly (WRJN255) likewise easily makes the ten mile trip from near the Dbq Fairgrounds.



Club VP Joe (WRKN567) instituted a policy of assigning a full month to each Net Control operator. This has worked very well, allowing each NCO to contact a substitute if they cannot call the net on any specific occassion.

Nets continue to operate on Ch22 both Sunday at 7pm, and Weds at 8pm.

The net which falls on the 2nd Weds of each month will be dedicated to EAV readiness, with DAN (WRKE224) presenting appropriate programs and ideas to the group. These have proven to be enlightening and interesting. 

Anyone needing help accessing the repeaters should feel free to contact Kelly (WRJN255) to discuss what easy remedies may be applied, 563/581-5591.

We would like to encourage ALL operators to make sure you have an FCC license to operate on GMRS. This becomes increasingly important as the club grows as use of the repeaters is actually dependent upon FCC certification.


CLUB GOALS (winter fun!)

Dan (WRKE224) introduced some great ideas for member participation and learning, they are as follows, and include input from other members at the meeting:


Joe (WRKN567) will host a net on Ch22 to manage the incoming reports. Members are encouraged to participate by sharing reports in an orderly, unpanicked way. All operators are also encouraged to scan GMRS channels because we will likely invite the public to also participate, and some may only be using walkie-talkies (incapable of repeater access) thus requiring relay of their reports to Joe.

Reports can be fun and informal, be creative, but also keep it clean and remind listeners that "this is a test" (no need for a second war of the world scare).

Remember, any bad-actors who may try to interfere should be ignored by all, so that we do not encourage such antics.


Like it sounds, we setup a transmitter, then let the "dogs" loose to track it down! This requires some minimal equipment and a few skills we can all learn. The club will release designs for some antennas which participants can build in their free time, and will host a work shop for those who want some help with the task. When the date arrives we'll meet  with our special antennas and work together to triangulate the location of our fox. 


In order to stay on target with our goals it was decided to host regular meetings on the 3rd Monday of each months (the Monday AFTER the Ham Club meetings). The venue will be announced.

Next meeting will be Dec 13, 6pm, in Brian's (WRKE376) garage.


By unanimous decision the club members will be encouraged to report weather-related information on Ch22. This may include icy road reports or location specific areas to avoid during a blizzard if snow removal can't keep up.

This will make for an easy way to keep track during a snow storm and determine personal travel plans. Simply turn on your radio, tune to Ch22 (Ch18 too if you have dual RX) and wait for reports. When you see what may be pertinent weather info simply call out with your report. Other stations might respond with questions, respond as best you can. If you are out and about in need of help, and your cell phone isn't reaching family it may be wise to use your radio for help, knowing that someone should be listening.

Most likely it will not be necessary to post special Weather Nets like we might for a tornado, but if someone has time to take notes they would be welcome to transmit a summary at the top or bottom of the hour. 

We'll work together to find a way to make this effective and fun!


If it sounds complicated, just ask for help.

There are lots of ways to participate, and plenty of room for imperfection - this is a learning experience for all - your participation helps those with more experience grow in their abilities AND it helps you gain experience!

ICS-213 FORM!?!?!!...

DON'T let it intimidate you, very simple form to HELP you present a report even if you are in the middle of chaos. It's a great tool to learn how to use, and here's a chance to use it in a friendly environment.

Download the form here...,%20general%20message%20(v3).pdf

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